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Notice of Hearing on Application For Zoning Variance
CITY HALL - Room 408, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Public Hearing - Session Begins at 9:30 A.M

Scott F. Sanchez, Zoning Administrator
Eva Atijera-Taylor, Recording Secretary

Notice is hereby given to the general public and to owners of the subject property and other property within 300 feet that an application for variance under the Planning Code as described below has been filed with the Zoning Administrator. Any remaining questions concerning this application review process may be answered by the Planning Information Center at (415) 558-6377. Variance Calendars and Audio Recording of the Hearing are available on the Internet at

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Notice is hereby given to the general public and to owners of the subject property and other property within 300 feet that an application for variance under the Planning Code as described below has been filed with the Zoning Administrator and will be considered at a PUBLIC HEARING to be held on the date, time, and place listed on the first page of this Calendar:


The Zoning Administrator will consider a request for continuance to a later date. He may choose to continue the item to the date proposed below, to continue the item to another date, or to hear the item on this calendar.

To be continued on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, at the regularly scheduled monthly Variance Hearing at City Hall:

1. 2013.0829V: 2476-2478 - 3RD STREET, Lot 003D in Assessor's Block 4108 in a NCT-2 (Neighborhood Commercial Transit-2) Zoning District and a 45-X Height and Bulk District. (BRITTANY BENDIX)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The project proposes interior renovations and the construction of a deck and stair system in the required rear yard area.

PER SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property must provide a rear yard of 25 percent of the lot depth, equal to 20 feet. The existing lot currently has a rear yard of 25 feet. The construction of the rear deck and stairs will result in a rear yard of 14 feet. Therefore, the project requires a variance from the rear yard requirements (Section 134) of the Planning Code.

The exterior alterations included in the scope of work are also subject to a Certificate of Appropriateness because the subject building is within the Dog Patch Landmark District. For more information regarding the Certificate of Appropriateness, see Case No. 2013.0829A.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:


All items listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar and are considered to be routine by the Zoning Administrator. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the public so requests, in which case the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this time or at a future hearing.

2. 2013.0989V: 955 NATOMA STREET, Lot 027 in Assessor's Block 3510 in a RED-MX (Residential Enclave District - Mixed) Zoning District, the Western SoMa Special Use District, and a 45-X Height and Bulk District. (BRITTANY BENDIX)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The project proposes a vertical addition to the existing two story building and conversion of the use of the building from PDR (Production, Distribution and Repair) to a single family dwelling.

PER SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property, upon conversion to a residential use, must provide a rear yard of 25 percent of the lot depth, equal to 18.75 feet, at grade. The existing building occupies the entire lot on the first and second stories, and thereby, does not provide the required rear yard at those stories. The proposed third story addition will be setback 18.75 feet from the rear property line, but will include an outdoor deck atop the existing second story with a 42 inch fire wall along the three shared property lines. The third floor rear deck will also include a 40 inch tall patio counter and a fire escape ladder.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

3. 2012.1417V: 2830 - 22ND STREET, Lot 019 in Assessor's Block 4146 in a RH-3 (Residential- House, Three Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (DIEGO SANCHEZ)

REAR YARD, OPEN SPACE AND DWELLING UNIT EXPOSURE VARIANCES SOUGHT: The proposal is to convert an existing two-story storage building located at the rear of the subject lot into a single family dwelling.

PER SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE the property is required to maintain a rear yard equivalent to 45% of lot depth free of obstructions. The project proposes to convert an existing two story cottage into a dwelling unit that is located within the required rear yard; therefore, the project requires a variance from the rear yard requirement.

PER SECTION 135 OF THE PLANNING CODE the project requires 266 square feet of common useable open space within an area at least 20 feet in length. The Project proposes approximately 180 square feet of useable open space in an area with a dimension less than 20 feet in length; therefore, the project requires a variance from the useable open space requirement.

PER SECTION 140 OF THE PLANNING CODE each dwelling unit is required to face onto a public street, alley or code complying rear yard or an inner court having a minimum dimension of 25 feet in every horizontal direction. The proposed new dwelling unit does not open onto a public street, alley or code complying rear yard and the inner court is less than 25 feet in one horizontal dimension; therefore, the project requires a variance from the dwelling unit exposure requirement.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:


4. 2013.1128V: 56 AZTEC STREET, Lot 017 in Assessor's Block 5521 in a RH-1 (Residential- House, One Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (BEN FU)

REAR YARD, MASS REDUCTION AND OFF-STREET PARKING VARIANCES SOUGHT: The project proposes the legalization of existing ground floor rear extension and the addition of a new third floor on the existing two-story, single-family dwelling.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 242 requires a minimum rear yard depth of 24'-6" for the subject property. The rear extension proposed for legalization encroaches approximately 11'-0" into the required rear yard without any offset from within the buildable envelope and leaves a rear yard of approximately 13'-6"; therefore, a variance is required.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 242 requires a total of 650 square feet of usable floor area to be removed from the exterior of the building, causing a reduction in square footage as well as building volume. The proposal reduces the existing mass reduction to approximately 485 square feet; therefore, a variance is required.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 242 requires three off-street parking spaces for the subject project. The building has two existing off-street parking spaces and proposes no additional spaces; therefore, a variance is required.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

5. 2013.0981V: 75 LANSING STREET, Lot 184 in Assessor's Block 3749 in a RH DTR (Rincon Hill Downtown Residential) Zoning District and a 65-X Height and Bulk District. (BEN FU)

OPEN SPACE VARIANCE SOUGHT: The proposal is to convert one existing live-work unit in a building containing three live-work units to a dwelling unit. The project will result in a total of one dwelling and two live-work units on the property.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 827 requires 75 square feet of usable open space for each dwelling unit. The existing building has full lot coverage and provides no usable open space; therefore, a variance is required.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

6. 2013.0831V: 1784 SANCHEZ STREET, Lot 014 in Assessor's Block 6653 in a RH-2 (Residential- House, Two Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (CASEY NOEL)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The project includes a 14' rear extension to the existing single-family dwelling. The horizontal extension is proposed for the rear of both the existing first and second floors. The proposal will also enclose an existing stairwell at the rear.

PER SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property is required to maintain a rear yard depth between 28 and 33 feet. The existing building already encroaches into the required rear yard and is therefore a noncomplying structure. The proposed 14' rear addition would be located entirely within the required rear yard and require a variance from the rear yard requirement.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

7. 2013.1293V: 551 ELLSWORTH STREET, Lot 022 in Assessor's Block 5725 in a RH-1 (Residential- House, One Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (DANIELLE HARRIS)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The proposal is to construct a deck, approximately 6 feet-4 inches high, extending approximately 15-feet from the rear of the second floor along the north property line. The proposed deck is 10 feet 6 inches in width and includes new stairs and a children's slide.

Construction will also include an 11-foot by 11-foot ground floor deck measuring approximately 2-feet from the ground, which is not subject to Variance because it is less than 3 feet from the ground.

PER SECTION 242 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property is required to maintain a rear yard of 20 feet. The proposed rear deck addition would encroach approximately 12 feet into the required rear yard and result in a rear yard of approximately 8 feet; therefore, the project requires a variance.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

8. 2013.1136V: 850 NOE STREET, Lot 007 in Assessor's Block 3622 in a RH-2 (Residential- House, Two Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (DOUG VU)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The proposal includes the demolition and reconstruction of two enclosed porches that will be converted to habitable space and the replacement of exterior stairs at the rear of the noncomplying, two-story, two-family dwelling. The existing enclosed porches and stairs extend 6-feet into the required rear yard, and their reconstruction necessitates a rear yard variance.

PER SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE, the property is required to maintain a rear yard equal to 36 feet; therefore, the proposal to reconstruct the noncomplying enclosed porches at the first and second floors and exterior stairs requires a variance.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

9. 2013.1214V: 518 ANDERSON STREET, Lot 004 in Assessor's Block 5723 in a RH-1 (Residential- House, One Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (ERIKA JACKSON)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The proposal is to construct an approximately 200 square foot infill underneath the existing second floor at the rear of a single-family dwelling. NOTE: The second floor extension was legalized through a previous variance (Case No. 2011.0466V). This Project modifies that approval to enclose the area underneath the second floor extension.

PER SECTION 242(e)(2) OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property is required to maintain a required rear yard of 35 percent of lot depth. The subject lot is 70 feet deep and the required rear yard is 24.5 feet. The existing building encroaches approximately 5.5 feet into the required rear yard, leaving a rear yard of approximately 19 feet. The existing sunroom encroaches approximately 12.5 feet into the required rear yard, leaving a rear yard of approximately 12 feet. The fill-in underneath the sunroom, legalized pursuant to the previous Variance, requires a new Variance.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

10. 2013.0774V: 1801 SCOTT STREET, Lot 007 in Assessor's Block 1050 in a RH-2 (Residential- House, Two Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (GLENN CABREROS)

FRONT SETBACK, REAR YARD AND PERMITTED OBSTRUCTION VARIANCES SOUGHT: The project proposes new construction of a three-story, single-family residence on a vacant lot (currently a parking lot) of substandard size.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 132 requires a front setback that is equal to half the depth of the adjacent front setback. The project requires an approximately 2-foot front setback and portions of the project are constructed to the front property line.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 134 requires a 15-foot rear yard for the project; however, the project proposes a 12-foot rear yard.

PLANNING CODE SECTION 136 provides specific dimensions for bay windows that project into required open spaces and over public rights-of-way. The project proposes bay windows that exceed the minimum dimensions required by the Code.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

11. 2013.1248V: 531 PRECITA AVENUE, Lot 007 in Assessor's Block 5505 in a RH-2 (Residential- House, Two Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (JEFFREY SPEIRS)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The project is a rear ground floor extension below an existing non-complying second floor addition, and a side infill at the ground floor. The proposal will also include a roof deck with spiral stair at the rear of the addition, and an additional parking space in the garage.

PER SECTION 242 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject project is required to provide a total of three off-street parking spaces. The project provides two tandem off-street parking spaces; therefore, a variance is required.
PER SECTION 242 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property is required to maintain a rear yard of approximately 41 feet. The proposed ground floor addition and spiral stair would encroach approximately 19 feet 8 inches into the required rear yard and result in a rear setback of approximately 21 feet and 4 inches; therefore, the project requires a variance.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

12. 2006.1202V: 1000-1020 BROADWAY, Lot 053 in Assessor's Block 0150 in a RH-2 (Residential- House, Two Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (KATE CONNER)

REAR YARD AND FRONT SETBACK VARIANCES SOUGHT: The proposal is to subdivide one parcel into three lots. Two lots are proposed to front on Broadway (1000 and 1010 Broadway) and be developed with single-family homes. A two-family dwelling is proposed to front on Taylor Street (1601-1625 Taylor Street).

PLANNING CODE SECTION 132 requires a front setback of 15% of the lot depth for each of the three lots. Each lot is proposed to have full lot coverage for below-grade floors; therefore, a variance is required. Above grade the project will feature the following front setbacks: 1000 Broadway - 21'-1"; 1010 Broadway - 5'-0"; and, 1601-1625 Taylor Street - 4'-6".

PLANNING CODE SECTION 134 requires a rear yard of 15' for each of the three lots. Each lot is proposed to have full lot coverage for below grade floors; therefore, a variance is required. Above grade the project will feature the following rear yard setbacks: 1000 Broadway - no rear yard at any level; 1010 Broadway - 15'; and, 1601-1625 Taylor Street -15'-1".

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

13. 2013.1159V: 2798 BROADWAY, Lot 001 in Assessor's Block 0958 in a RH-1(D) (Residential- House, One Family- Detached) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (SHARON LAI)

REAR AND SIDE YARDS VARIANCES SOUGHT: The proposal is to excavate and reconstruct walls to add space below the existing building footprint, which is located within the required rear and side yards of this 3-story, single-family home.

PER SECTION 133 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property requires two side yards of three feet. The existing building encroaches entirely within the side yards and the project proposes to rebuild the existing non-complying structure (including additional excavation at the lowest levels) within the existing footprint and lower the west side roof line.

PER SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE the subject property is required to maintain a rear yard of approximately 34 feet, where 14 feet is currently provided. The proposed reconstruction and excavation at the rear in the existing building footprint is located within the required rear yard.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:

14. 2013.1158V: 1457-1467 FULTON STREET, Lot 028 in Assessor's Block 1183 in a RM-1 (Residential- Mixed, Low Density) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (SHARON YOUNG)

REAR YARD VARIANCE SOUGHT: The proposal is to legalize the construction of a one-story deck and stairs built without permit at the rear of the three-story, six-unit residential building. The rear deck (approximately 43' wide by 9'-6" deep by 5'-6" above grade) extends from the main building wall with stairs to grade extending into the required rear yard. The rear deck, which has 9-foot high fire-rated side walls, is set back 3'-6" from the side property lines and 38'-6" from the rear property line.

SECTION 134 OF THE PLANNING CODE requires a rear yard of approximately 62' for the subject property; however, the deck and stairs are located entirely within the required rear yard.

ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: The site plan and elevations of the proposed project are available on the Planning Department's website at:


At this time, members of the public may address the Zoning Administrator on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Zoning Administrator except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Zoning Administrator will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the Zoning Administrator for up to three minutes.

The Zoning Administrator will not take action on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. In response to public comment, the Zoning Administrator may:

(1) respond to statements made or questions posed by members of the public; or
(2) request staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting; or
(3) direct staff to place the item on a future agenda. (Government Code Section 54954.2(a))


Last updated: 1/16/2014 7:15:42 AM